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Photography by Alex Freund

New York based fashion photographer Alex Freund shoots some amazing black and white photos. I’ve only been able to find small bits of information about Alex, nothing worth mentioning. If you have any good additional info, please shout out.

Anyways, here’s some of his work:

Photography by Alex Freund 1

Photography by Alex Freund 2

Photography by Alex Freund 3

Photography by Alex Freund 4

Photography by Alex Freund 5

Photography by Alex Freund 6

Photography by Alex Freund 7

Photography by Alex Freund 8

Photography by Alex Freund 9

Photography by Alex Freund 10

Photography by Alex Freund 11

Photography by Alex Freund 12

Photography by Alex Freund 13

Photography by Alex Freund 14

Photography by Alex Freund 15

Photography by Alex Freund 16

Check out the rest of his work here.