
“I wanted to create imagery that was very clean and colorful, but with a eerie sense of something missing, or lacking,” Billy Rood says of his latest story for Ben Trovato, Amanda. “Amanda was definitely a strong part of the story. As soon as I saw her I knew I wanted to do something that [...]

The Shelter of Solitude

Urko Suaya jumped gracefully into the world of fashion photography several years ago, shooting what he refers to as the “most gorgeous girls in Buenos Aires.” And for our first cover story on the new Ben Trovato Suaya did exactly that; Mica Argañaraz seems to be of another world. “Mica was the perfect one for [...]

The Last World

Iceland. The land of nature, the sagas and mystical power places. The 16 million year old island, what’s known to be the youngest member of planet earth, was french fashion photographer Luc Braquet’s main inspiration for his story entitled The Last World. The last world is the story of a wild child, lost in an [...]


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A life in the a shadows

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget lectus est. Praesent sapien sem, semper at molestie ac, volutpat a tortor. Nunc urna justo, imperdiet eget imperdiet ut, rutrum vel nunc. Maecenas lectus erat, fermentum at fringilla vestibulum, placerat at lacus. Curabitur rhoncus massa eget purus lobortis sodales. Cras viverra nunc et ligula dignissim [...]

More Dope giveaways on Ben Trovato

We are giving out yet another Dope swimsuit!

Emman shoots Kelley in Venice

Oh man, this is just wrong, because I love it so much. I mean, I’m mesmerised by this.

Zoey going red

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into [...]
