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Photography by Johanna Brinckman

20-year-old Hamburg based photographer Johanna Brinckman got her first camera back when she was 16, and has been shooting ever since: “- Before I got my first photo camera I made a lot of films as well. Film is another passion, and i cant decide which i love most - i really want to do both!

She claims she’s inspired by everything around her, and says it’s often a combination of many different inspirations that make up an idea:” -When you walk through the world with open eyes, everything can be very inspiring! My most recent inspiration is Albert Watson - because he is a genius and seems to be a very interesting character. I would love to meet him.

Her work has been featured in the Hamburg publications Hamburger Abendblatt and Tango Magazine, and she recently held her first exhibition at the Neonchocolate Gallery in Berlin. And what’s next:” -I really want to realize some of the hundreds of ideas i got in my mind. Doing fun stuff i like and i have a passion for - in photography as well as in filming and art. And i want to travel! I am so curious about meeting new people, seeing different things, experiencing and exploring the world we live in!

Here’s some of her work:

Check out the rest of her work here.