
Submit your message to be displayed infront of hundreds of thousands of Ben Trovato readers. For only $20 your message is displayed for 30 consecutive days, giving it amazing exposure. We will also tweet about it to our followers on Twitter. Remember to provide sufficient contact information if you want people to contact you. We do not post inappropriate messages, nor do we refund your money if the message is found distasteful.

CM Model Management

CM Model Management calling for fresh faces

CM Model Management is a mother modeling agency specializing in discovering and developing models. We represent high fashion/editorial/runway, commercial models and direct booking personalities…


Litmind, the free professional network

Check out Litmind.com, a free professional network for photographers and models!

Photography by German Saez on Ben Trovato 1

Photographer calling for models in NY

My name is German Saez, a Buenos Aires based photographer looking for some models to shoot while I’m in New York City this October…
